#!/usr/bin/env php If you call this with argument "unused=true" it searches for the translation strings that exist in en_US but are never used. IMPORTANT: that can take quite a lot of time (up to 10 minutes), you need to tune the max_execution_time on your php.ini accordingly. Duplicate strings in lang files in /home/toinebusax/atelierphpmail/gitub/dolibarr/dev/translation/../../htdocs/langs/en_US/ - 271 found ***** Entries duplicated in same file ShowAccountingJournal : accountancy.lang (107 - Show accounting journal) (338 - Show accounting journal) IfYouUseASecondTaxYouMustSetYouUseTheMainTax : admin.lang (2319 - If you want to use a second tax, you must enable also the first sales tax) (2323 - If you want to use a second tax, you must enable also the first sales tax) IfYouUseAThirdTaxYouMustSetYouUseTheMainTax : admin.lang (2320 - If you want to use a third tax, you must enable also the first sales tax) (2324 - If you want to use a third tax, you must enable also the first sales tax) CIDLookupURL : admin.lang (2374 - The module brings an URL that can be used by an external tool to get the name of a third party or contact from its phone number. URL to use is:) (2384 - The module brings an URL that can be used by an external tool to get the name of a third party or contact from its phone number. URL to use is:) AssetDepreciationOptionAcceleratedDepreciation : assets.lang (119 - Accelerated depreciation (tax)) (125 - Accelerated (tax)) logDOC_PREVIEW : blockedlog.lang (23 - Preview of a validated document in order to print or download) (46 - Preview of a validated document in order to print or download) logDOC_DOWNLOAD : blockedlog.lang (24 - Download of a validated document in order to print or send) (45 - Download of a validated document in order to print or send) DATAPOLICYReturn : datapolicy.lang (82 - GDPR Validation) (85 - GDPR Return) ErrorRefAlreadyExists : errors.lang (11 - Reference <b>%s</b> already exists.) (90 - Ref used for creation already exists.) NotTheAssignedApprover : holiday.lang (80 - You are not the assigned approver) (112 - You are not the assigned approver) Language_en_AE : languages.lang (4 - Arabic (United Arab Emirates)) (31 - English (United Arab Emirates)) Language_es_GT : languages.lang (51 - Spanish (Guatemala)) (60 - Spanish (Guatemala)) Rate : main.lang (354 - Rate) (1183 - Rate) NoRecordedMembers : members.lang (7 - No recorded members) (244 - No recorded members) EnterNameOfObjectToDeleteDesc : modulebuilder.lang (30 - You can delete an object. WARNING: All coding files (generated or created manually) related to object will be deleted!) (31 - You can delete your dictionary. WARNING: All coding files of module (generated or created manually) AND structured data and documentation will be deleted!) ReasonDeclineOrCancel : partnership.lang (58 - Decline reason) (92 - Reason for declining or canceling) unitG : products.lang (211 - Gram) (219 - Gram) unitM : products.lang (212 - Meter) (223 - Meter) unitM2 : products.lang (214 - Square meter) (229 - Square meter) unitM3 : products.lang (215 - Cubic meter) (235 - Cubic meter) ThirdPartyRequiredToGenerateInvoice : projects.lang (252 - A third party must be defined on project to be able to invoice it.) (253 - A third party must be defined on project to be able to create intervention.) Reception : receptions.lang (5 - Reception) (8 - Reception) Receptions : receptions.lang (6 - Receptions) (9 - Receptions) WarningThisWIllAlsoDeleteStock : stocks.lang (328 - Warning, this will also destroy all quantities in stock in the warehouse) (337 - Warning, this will also destroy all quantities in stock in the warehouse) ImportSite : website.lang (80 - Import website template) (124 - Import website template) ***** Entries in main and another (keep only entry in main) ByYear : accountancy.lang (240 - By year) main.lang (847 - By year) Events : agenda.lang (12 - Events) main.lang (966 - Events) InvoiceSubtype : bills.lang (649 - Invoice Subtype) main.lang (1259 - Invoice subtype) ShowDetails : blockedlog.lang (16 - Show stored details) main.lang (1134 - Show details) Browser : cashdesk.lang (93 - Browser) main.lang (765 - Browser) StatusToPay : compta.lang (68 - To pay) main.lang (458 - To pay) StatusInterInvoiced : interventions.lang (32 - Billed) main.lang (551 - Invoiced) ConfirmCloneAsk : main.lang (192 - Are you sure you want to clone the object <b>%s</b>?) supplier_proposal.lang (38 - Are you sure you want to clone the price request <b>%s</b>?) ReOpen : main.lang (208 - Re-Open) stocks.lang (258 - Reopen) Type : main.lang (244 - Type) ticket.lang (78 - Type) MulticurrencyPaymentAmount : main.lang (398 - Payment amount, original currency) multicurrency.lang (19 - Payment amount, original currency) Rejects : main.lang (572 - Rejects) withdrawals.lang (42 - Rejects) Visibility : main.lang (805 - Visibility) website.lang (161 - Visibility) ***** Entries in admin and another IdModule : admin.lang (134 - Module ID) modulebuilder.lang (2 - Module id) Position : admin.lang (152 - Position) categories.lang (106 - Position) NewModule : admin.lang (223 - New module) modulebuilder.lang (10 - New module) NoticePeriod : admin.lang (288 - Notice period) holiday.lang (124 - Notice period) LanguageFile : admin.lang (392 - Language file) modulebuilder.lang (58 - File for language) PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage : admin.lang (435 - Price Format In Current Language) companies.lang (33 - Price display format in the current language and currency) String : admin.lang (436 - String) members.lang (127 - String) Int : admin.lang (441 - Integer) members.lang (129 - Int) DateAndTime : admin.lang (443 - Date and hour) members.lang (130 - Date and time) Field : admin.lang (529 - Field) blockedlog.lang (2 - Field) exports.lang (65 - Field) Upgrade : admin.lang (1173 - Upgrade) install.lang (100 - Upgrade) Server : admin.lang (1184 - Server) install.lang (46 - Server) DatabaseServer : admin.lang (1186 - Database host) install.lang (49 - Database server) DatabaseName : admin.lang (1187 - Database name) install.lang (50 - Database name) DriverType : admin.lang (1195 - Driver type) install.lang (45 - Driver type) CompanyName : admin.lang (1216 - Name) companies.lang (28 - Company name) WithdrawalsSetup : admin.lang (1756 - Setup of module Direct Debit payments) withdrawals.lang (38 - Direct debit payment setup) Buy : admin.lang (1843 - Buy) products.lang (56 - Purchase) Sell : admin.lang (1844 - Sell) products.lang (55 - Sell) AccountancyCode : admin.lang (1847 - Accounting Code) companies.lang (369 - Accounting account) CashDesk : admin.lang (1876 - Point of Sale) cashdesk.lang (3 - Point of sale) ByDefaultInList : admin.lang (2043 - Show by default on list view) categories.lang (97 - By default in list) Settings : admin.lang (2342 - Settings) agenda.lang (193 - Settings) knowledgemanagement.lang (29 - Settings) recruitment.lang (29 - Settings) ***** Other LineId : accountancy.lang (150 - Id line) exports.lang (44 - Id of line) CustomerInvoicePayment : accountancy.lang (258 - Payment of invoice customer) banks.lang (107 - Customer payment) AffectedTo : agenda.lang (10 - Assigned to) projects.lang (124 - Allocated to) Location : agenda.lang (16 - Location) stocks.lang (40 - Location) ReceptionClassifyClosedInDolibarr : agenda.lang (72 - Reception %s classified closed) receptions.lang (53 - Reception %s classified Closed) InterventionSentByEMail : agenda.lang (90 - Intervention %s sent by email) interventions.lang (40 - Intervention %s sent by email) About : agenda.lang (196 - About) knowledgemanagement.lang (36 - About) recruitment.lang (38 - About) DeleteType : assets.lang (24 - Delete) members.lang (99 - Delete) ShowTypeCard : assets.lang (27 - Show model '%s') members.lang (173 - Show type '%s') IBAN : banks.lang (33 - IBAN number) bills.lang (490 - IBAN) BIC : banks.lang (34 - BIC/SWIFT code) bills.lang (493 - BIC/SWIFT) Account : banks.lang (70 - Account) compta.lang (15 - Account) SubscriptionPayment : banks.lang (109 - Subscription payment) members.lang (187 - Contribution payment) InvoiceRef : bills.lang (359 - Invoice ref.) receiptprinter.lang (69 - Invoice ref) Salaries : bills.lang (648 - Salaries) salaries.lang (7 - Salaries) NoSupplierOrder : boxes.lang (84 - No recorded purchase order) orders.lang (87 - No purchase order) ShowCompany : cashdesk.lang (30 - Show company) companies.lang (385 - Third Party) History : cashdesk.lang (71 - History) suppliers.lang (8 - History) DeleteFromCat : categories.lang (87 - Remove from tags/category) compta.lang (282 - Remove from accounting group) Customer : commercial.lang (4 - Customer) companies.lang (329 - Customer) Prospect : commercial.lang (6 - Prospect) companies.lang (327 - Prospect) propal.lang (12 - Prospect) ShowTask : commercial.lang (18 - Show task) projects.lang (41 - Show task) ContractStatusClosed : contracts.lang (9 - Closed) products.lang (88 - Closed) MinimumAmount : donations.lang (27 - Minimum amount is %s) members.lang (218 - Minimum amount (used only when contribution amount is free)) ErrorRecordNotFound : errors.lang (16 - Record not found.) expensereports.lang (164 - Record not found) ErrorBadValueForParameter : errors.lang (48 - Wrong value '%s' for parameter '%s') expensereports.lang (166 - Error bad value for parameter %s) Settings : eventorganization.lang (37 - Settings) stocks.lang (317 - Settings) NewSubscription : eventorganization.lang (140 - Registration) members.lang (79 - New contribution) AUTHOR : expensereports.lang (4 - Recorded by) trips.lang (2 - Recorded by) AUTHORPAIEMENT : expensereports.lang (5 - Paid by) trips.lang (3 - Paid by) AddTrip : expensereports.lang (6 - Create expense report) trips.lang (4 - Create expense report) AllExpenseReport : expensereports.lang (7 - All type of expense report) trips.lang (5 - All type of expense report) AllExpenseReports : expensereports.lang (8 - All expense reports) trips.lang (6 - All expense reports) AnyOtherInThisListCanValidate : expensereports.lang (9 - Person to be informed for validating the request.) trips.lang (7 - Person to be informed for validating the request.) AttachTheNewLineToTheDocument : expensereports.lang (10 - Attach the line to an uploaded document) trips.lang (8 - Attach the line to an uploaded document) AucuneLigne : expensereports.lang (11 - There is no expense report declared yet) trips.lang (9 - There is no expense report declared yet) BrouillonnerTrip : expensereports.lang (12 - Move back expense report to status "Draft") trips.lang (10 - Move back expense report to status "Draft") byEX_DAY : expensereports.lang (13 - by day (limitation to %s)) trips.lang (11 - by day (limitation to %s)) byEX_EXP : expensereports.lang (14 - by line (limitation to %s)) trips.lang (12 - by line (limitation to %s)) byEX_MON : expensereports.lang (15 - by month (limitation to %s)) trips.lang (13 - by month (limitation to %s)) byEX_YEA : expensereports.lang (16 - by year (limitation to %s)) trips.lang (14 - by year (limitation to %s)) CANCEL_USER : expensereports.lang (17 - Deleted by) trips.lang (15 - Deleted by) CarCategory : expensereports.lang (18 - Vehicle category) trips.lang (16 - Vehicle category) ClassifyRefunded : expensereports.lang (19 - Classify 'Refunded') trips.lang (17 - Classify 'Refunded') CompanyVisited : expensereports.lang (20 - Company/organization visited) trips.lang (18 - Company/organization visited) ConfirmBrouillonnerTrip : expensereports.lang (21 - Are you sure you want to move this expense report to status "Draft"?) trips.lang (19 - Are you sure you want to move this expense report to status "Draft"?) ConfirmCancelTrip : expensereports.lang (22 - Are you sure you want to cancel this expense report?) trips.lang (20 - Are you sure you want to cancel this expense report?) ConfirmCloneExpenseReport : expensereports.lang (23 - Are you sure you want to clone this expense report ?) trips.lang (21 - Are you sure you want to clone this expense report ?) ConfirmDeleteTrip : expensereports.lang (24 - Are you sure you want to delete this expense report?) trips.lang (22 - Are you sure you want to delete this expense report?) ConfirmPaidTrip : expensereports.lang (25 - Are you sure you want to change status of this expense report to "Paid"?) trips.lang (23 - Are you sure you want to change status of this expense report to "Paid"?) ConfirmRefuseTrip : expensereports.lang (26 - Are you sure you want to deny this expense report?) trips.lang (24 - Are you sure you want to deny this expense report?) ConfirmSaveTrip : expensereports.lang (27 - Are you sure you want to validate this expense report?) trips.lang (25 - Are you sure you want to validate this expense report?) ConfirmValideTrip : expensereports.lang (28 - Are you sure you want to approve this expense report?) trips.lang (26 - Are you sure you want to approve this expense report?) DATE_CANCEL : expensereports.lang (29 - Cancellation date) trips.lang (27 - Cancellation date) DATE_PAIEMENT : expensereports.lang (30 - Payment date) trips.lang (28 - Payment date) DATE_REFUS : expensereports.lang (31 - Deny date) trips.lang (29 - Deny date) DATE_SAVE : expensereports.lang (32 - Validation date) trips.lang (30 - Validation date) DefaultCategoryCar : expensereports.lang (33 - Default transportation mode) trips.lang (31 - Default transportation mode) DefaultRangeNumber : expensereports.lang (34 - Default range number) trips.lang (32 - Default range number) DeleteTrip : expensereports.lang (35 - Delete expense report) trips.lang (33 - Delete expense report) ErrorDoubleDeclaration : expensereports.lang (36 - You have declared another expense report into a similar date range.) trips.lang (34 - You have declared another expense report into a similar date range.) Error_EXPENSEREPORT_ADDON_NotDefined : expensereports.lang (37 - Error, the rule for expense report numbering ref was not defined into setup of module 'Expense Report') trips.lang (35 - Error, the rule for expense report numbering ref was not defined into setup of module 'Expense Report') ExpenseRangeOffset : expensereports.lang (38 - Offset amount: %s) trips.lang (36 - Offset amount: %s) expenseReportCatDisabled : expensereports.lang (39 - Category disabled - see the c_exp_tax_cat dictionary) trips.lang (37 - Category disabled - see the c_exp_tax_cat dictionary) expenseReportCoef : expensereports.lang (40 - Coefficient) trips.lang (38 - Coefficient) expenseReportCoefUndefined : expensereports.lang (41 - (value not defined)) trips.lang (39 - (value not defined)) expenseReportOffset : expensereports.lang (42 - Offset) trips.lang (40 - Offset) expenseReportPrintExample : expensereports.lang (43 - offset + (d x coef)) trips.lang (41 - offset + (d x coef)) expenseReportRangeDisabled : expensereports.lang (44 - Range disabled - see the c_exp_tax_range dictionary) trips.lang (42 - Range disabled - see the c_exp_tax_range dictionary) expenseReportRangeFromTo : expensereports.lang (45 - from %d to %d) trips.lang (43 - from %d to %d) expenseReportRangeMoreThan : expensereports.lang (46 - more than %d) trips.lang (44 - more than %d) expenseReportTotalForFive : expensereports.lang (47 - Example with <u>d</u>) trips.lang (45 - Example with <u>d</u>) ExpenseReportApplyTo : expensereports.lang (48 - Apply to) trips.lang (46 - Apply to) ExpenseReportApproved : expensereports.lang (49 - An expense report was approved) trips.lang (47 - An expense report was approved) ExpenseReportApprovedMessage : expensereports.lang (50 - The expense report %s was approved.<br> - User: %s<br> - Approved by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) trips.lang (48 - The expense report %s was approved.<br> - User: %s<br> - Approved by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) ExpenseReportCanceled : expensereports.lang (51 - An expense report was canceled) trips.lang (49 - An expense report was canceled) ExpenseReportCanceledMessage : expensereports.lang (52 - The expense report %s was canceled.<br> - User: %s<br> - Canceled by: %s<br> - Motive for cancellation: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) trips.lang (50 - The expense report %s was canceled.<br> - User: %s<br> - Canceled by: %s<br> - Motive for cancellation: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) ExpenseReportConstraintViolationError : expensereports.lang (53 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding forbidden)) trips.lang (51 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding forbidden)) ExpenseReportConstraintViolationWarning : expensereports.lang (54 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding authorized)) trips.lang (52 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding authorized)) ExpenseReportDateEnd : expensereports.lang (55 - Date end) trips.lang (53 - Date end) ExpenseReportDateStart : expensereports.lang (56 - Date start) trips.lang (54 - Date start) ExpenseReportDomain : expensereports.lang (57 - Domain to apply) trips.lang (55 - Domain to apply) ExpenseReportIkDesc : expensereports.lang (58 - You can modify the calculation of kilometers expense by category and range who they are previously defined. <b>d</b> is the distance in kilometers) trips.lang (56 - You can modify the calculation of kilometers expense by category and range who they are previously defined. <b>d</b> is the distance in kilometers) ExpenseReportLimitAmount : expensereports.lang (59 - Max amount) trips.lang (57 - Max amount) ExpenseReportLimitOn : expensereports.lang (60 - Limit on) trips.lang (58 - Limit on) ExpenseReportLine : expensereports.lang (61 - Expense report line) trips.lang (59 - Expense report line) ExpenseReportPaid : expensereports.lang (62 - An expense report was paid) trips.lang (60 - An expense report was paid) ExpenseReportPaidMessage : expensereports.lang (63 - The expense report %s was paid.<br> - User: %s<br> - Paid by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) trips.lang (61 - The expense report %s was paid.<br> - User: %s<br> - Paid by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) ExpenseReportPayment : expensereports.lang (64 - Expense report payment) trips.lang (62 - Expense report payment) ExpenseReportRef : expensereports.lang (65 - Ref. expense report) trips.lang (63 - Ref. expense report) ExpenseReportRefused : expensereports.lang (66 - An expense report was refused) trips.lang (64 - An expense report was refused) ExpenseReportRefusedMessage : expensereports.lang (67 - The expense report %s was refused.<br> - User: %s<br> - Refused by: %s<br> - Motive for refusal: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) trips.lang (65 - The expense report %s was refused.<br> - User: %s<br> - Refused by: %s<br> - Motive for refusal: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s) ExpenseReportRestrictive : expensereports.lang (68 - Exceeding forbidden) trips.lang (66 - Exceeding forbidden) ExpenseReportRuleErrorOnSave : expensereports.lang (69 - Error: %s) trips.lang (67 - Error: %s) ExpenseReportRuleSave : expensereports.lang (70 - Expense report rule saved) trips.lang (68 - Expense report rule saved) ExpenseReportRulesDesc : expensereports.lang (71 - You can define max amount rules for expense reports. These rules will be applied when a new expense is added to an expense report) trips.lang (69 - You can define max amount rules for expense reports. These rules will be applied when a new expense is added to an expense report) ExpenseReportWaitingForApproval : expensereports.lang (72 - A new expense report has been submitted for approval) trips.lang (70 - A new expense report has been submitted for approval) ExpenseReportWaitingForApprovalMessage : expensereports.lang (73 - A new expense report has been submitted and is waiting for approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s) trips.lang (71 - A new expense report has been submitted and is waiting for approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s) ExpenseReportWaitingForReApproval : expensereports.lang (74 - An expense report has been submitted for re-approval) trips.lang (72 - An expense report has been submitted for re-approval) ExpenseReportWaitingForReApprovalMessage : expensereports.lang (75 - An expense report has been submitted and is waiting for re-approval.<br>The %s, you refused to approve the expense report for this reason: %s.<br>A new version has been proposed and waiting for your approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s) trips.lang (73 - An expense report has been submitted and is waiting for re-approval.<br>The %s, you refused to approve the expense report for this reason: %s.<br>A new version has been proposed and waiting for your approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s) ExpenseReportsIk : expensereports.lang (76 - Configuration of mileage charges) trips.lang (74 - Configuration of mileage charges) ExpenseReportsRules : expensereports.lang (77 - Expense report rules) trips.lang (75 - Expense report rules) ExpenseReportsToApprove : expensereports.lang (78 - Expense reports to approve) trips.lang (76 - Expense reports to approve) ExpenseReportsToPay : expensereports.lang (79 - Expense reports to pay) trips.lang (77 - Expense reports to pay) ExpensesArea : expensereports.lang (80 - Expense reports area) trips.lang (78 - Expense reports area) FeesKilometersOrAmout : expensereports.lang (81 - Amount or kilometers) trips.lang (79 - Amount or kilometers) LastExpenseReports : expensereports.lang (82 - Latest %s expense reports) trips.lang (80 - Latest %s expense reports) ListOfFees : expensereports.lang (83 - List of fees) trips.lang (81 - List of fees) ListOfTrips : expensereports.lang (84 - List of expense reports) trips.lang (82 - List of expense reports) ListToApprove : expensereports.lang (85 - Waiting for approval) trips.lang (83 - Waiting for approval) ListTripsAndExpenses : expensereports.lang (86 - List of expense reports) trips.lang (84 - List of expense reports) MOTIF_CANCEL : expensereports.lang (87 - Reason) trips.lang (85 - Reason) MOTIF_REFUS : expensereports.lang (88 - Reason) trips.lang (86 - Reason) ModePaiement : expensereports.lang (89 - Payment mode) trips.lang (87 - Payment mode) NewTrip : expensereports.lang (90 - New expense report) trips.lang (88 - New expense report) nolimitbyEX_DAY : expensereports.lang (91 - by day (no limitation)) trips.lang (89 - by day (no limitation)) nolimitbyEX_EXP : expensereports.lang (92 - by line (no limitation)) trips.lang (90 - by line (no limitation)) nolimitbyEX_MON : expensereports.lang (93 - by month (no limitation)) trips.lang (91 - by month (no limitation)) nolimitbyEX_YEA : expensereports.lang (94 - by year (no limitation)) trips.lang (92 - by year (no limitation)) NoTripsToExportCSV : expensereports.lang (95 - No expense report to export for this period.) trips.lang (93 - No expense report to export for this period.) NOT_AUTHOR : expensereports.lang (96 - You are not the author of this expense report. Operation canceled.) trips.lang (94 - You are not the author of this expense report. Operation canceled.) OnExpense : expensereports.lang (97 - Expense line) trips.lang (95 - Expense line) PDFStandardExpenseReports : expensereports.lang (98 - Standard template to generate a PDF document for expense report) trips.lang (96 - Standard template to generate a PDF document for expense report) PaidTrip : expensereports.lang (99 - Pay an expense report) trips.lang (97 - Pay an expense report) REFUSEUR : expensereports.lang (100 - Denied by) trips.lang (98 - Denied by) RangeIk : expensereports.lang (101 - Mileage range) trips.lang (99 - Mileage range) RangeNum : expensereports.lang (102 - Range %d) trips.lang (100 - Range %d) SaveTrip : expensereports.lang (103 - Validate expense report) trips.lang (101 - Validate expense report) ShowExpenseReport : expensereports.lang (104 - Show expense report) trips.lang (102 - Show expense report) ShowTrip : expensereports.lang (105 - Show expense report) trips.lang (103 - Show expense report) TripCard : expensereports.lang (106 - Expense report card) trips.lang (104 - Expense report card) TripId : expensereports.lang (107 - Id expense report) trips.lang (105 - Id expense report) TripNDF : expensereports.lang (108 - Information expense report) trips.lang (106 - Information expense report) TripSociete : expensereports.lang (109 - Information company) trips.lang (107 - Information company) Trips : expensereports.lang (110 - Expense reports) trips.lang (108 - Expense reports) TripsAndExpenses : expensereports.lang (111 - Expense reports) trips.lang (109 - Expenses reports) TripsAndExpensesStatistics : expensereports.lang (112 - Expense reports statistics) trips.lang (110 - Expense reports statistics) TypeFees : expensereports.lang (113 - Types of fees) trips.lang (111 - Types of fees) UploadANewFileNow : expensereports.lang (114 - Upload a new document now) trips.lang (112 - Upload a new document now) VALIDATOR : expensereports.lang (115 - User responsible for approval) trips.lang (113 - User responsible for approval) VALIDOR : expensereports.lang (116 - Approved by) trips.lang (114 - Approved by) ValidateAndSubmit : expensereports.lang (117 - Validate and submit for approval) trips.lang (115 - Validate and submit for approval) ValidatedWaitingApproval : expensereports.lang (118 - Validated (waiting for approval)) trips.lang (116 - Validated (waiting for approval)) ValideTrip : expensereports.lang (119 - Approve expense report) trips.lang (117 - Approve expense report) EX_BRE : expensereports.lang (122 - Breakfast) trips.lang (120 - Breakfast) EX_CAM : expensereports.lang (123 - CV maintenance and repair) trips.lang (121 - CV maintenance and repair) EX_CAM_VP : expensereports.lang (124 - PV maintenance and repair) trips.lang (122 - PV maintenance and repair) EX_CAR : expensereports.lang (125 - Car rental) trips.lang (123 - Car rental) EX_CUR : expensereports.lang (126 - Customers receiving) trips.lang (124 - Customers receiving) EX_DOC : expensereports.lang (127 - Documentation) trips.lang (125 - Documentation) EX_EMM : expensereports.lang (128 - Employees meal) trips.lang (126 - Employees meal) EX_FUE : expensereports.lang (129 - Fuel CV) trips.lang (127 - Fuel CV) EX_FUE_VP : expensereports.lang (130 - Fuel PV) trips.lang (128 - Fuel PV) EX_GUM : expensereports.lang (131 - Guests meal) trips.lang (129 - Guests meal) EX_HOT : expensereports.lang (132 - Hotel) trips.lang (130 - Hotel) EX_IND : expensereports.lang (133 - Indemnity transportation subscription) trips.lang (131 - Indemnity transportation subscription) EX_KME : expensereports.lang (134 - Mileage costs) trips.lang (132 - Mileage costs) EX_OTR : expensereports.lang (135 - Other receiving) trips.lang (133 - Other receiving) EX_PAR : expensereports.lang (136 - Parking CV) trips.lang (134 - Parking CV) EX_PAR_VP : expensereports.lang (137 - Parking PV) trips.lang (135 - Parking PV) EX_POS : expensereports.lang (138 - Postage) trips.lang (136 - Postage) EX_SUM : expensereports.lang (139 - Maintenance supply) trips.lang (137 - Maintenance supply) EX_SUO : expensereports.lang (140 - Office supplies) trips.lang (138 - Office supplies) EX_TAX : expensereports.lang (141 - Various Taxes) trips.lang (139 - Various Taxes) EX_TOL : expensereports.lang (142 - Toll CV) trips.lang (140 - Toll CV) EX_TOL_VP : expensereports.lang (143 - Toll PV) trips.lang (141 - Toll PV) TF_BUS : expensereports.lang (144 - Bus) trips.lang (142 - Bus) TF_CAR : expensereports.lang (145 - Car) trips.lang (143 - Car) TF_ESSENCE : expensereports.lang (146 - Fuel) trips.lang (144 - Fuel) TF_HOTEL : expensereports.lang (147 - Hotel) trips.lang (145 - Hotel) TF_LUNCH : expensereports.lang (148 - Lunch) trips.lang (146 - Lunch) TF_METRO : expensereports.lang (149 - Metro) trips.lang (147 - Metro) TF_OTHER : expensereports.lang (150 - Other) trips.lang (148 - Other) TF_PEAGE : expensereports.lang (151 - Toll) trips.lang (149 - Toll) TF_TAXI : expensereports.lang (152 - Taxi) trips.lang (150 - Taxi) TF_TRAIN : expensereports.lang (153 - Train) trips.lang (151 - Train) TF_TRIP : expensereports.lang (154 - Transportation) trips.lang (152 - Transportation) ExportsArea : exports.lang (2 - Exports) other.lang (280 - Exports area) ExportableDatas : exports.lang (6 - Exportable dataset) other.lang (284 - Exportable data) AvailableFormats : exports.lang (28 - Available Formats) other.lang (281 - Available formats) ChooseFileToImport : exports.lang (61 - Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file...) stocks.lang (254 - Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file...) CreateUser : install.lang (56 - Create user account or grant user account permission on the Dolibarr database) users.lang (31 - Create user) Answered : mails.lang (175 - Answered) ticket.lang (72 - Answered) OrderDate : orders.lang (11 - Order date) suppliers.lang (11 - Order date) CreatedBy : other.lang (121 - Created by %s) ticket.lang (190 - Created by) FollowingUrlAreAvailableToMakePayments : paybox.lang (4 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects) stripe.lang (5 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects) PaymentForm : paybox.lang (5 - Payment form) stripe.lang (6 - Payment form) WelcomeOnPaymentPage : paybox.lang (6 - Welcome to our online payment service) stripe.lang (7 - Welcome to our online payment service) ThisScreenAllowsYouToPay : paybox.lang (7 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.) stripe.lang (8 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.) ThisIsInformationOnPayment : paybox.lang (8 - This is information on payment to do) stripe.lang (9 - This is information on payment to do) ToComplete : paybox.lang (9 - To complete) stripe.lang (10 - To complete) YourEMail : paybox.lang (10 - Email to receive payment confirmation) stripe.lang (11 - Email to receive payment confirmation) Creditor : paybox.lang (11 - Creditor) stripe.lang (13 - Creditor) PaymentCode : paybox.lang (12 - Payment code) stripe.lang (14 - Payment code) Continue : paybox.lang (15 - Next) stripe.lang (17 - Next) AccountParameter : paybox.lang (19 - Account parameters) stripe.lang (27 - Account parameters) UsageParameter : paybox.lang (20 - Usage parameters) stripe.lang (28 - Usage parameters) InformationToFindParameters : paybox.lang (21 - Help to find your %s account information) stripe.lang (29 - Help to find your %s account information) CSSUrlForPaymentForm : paybox.lang (23 - CSS style sheet url for payment form) stripe.lang (31 - CSS style sheet url for payment form) Stock : products.lang (51 - Stock) stocks.lang (18 - Stock) Stocks : products.lang (53 - Stocks and location (warehouse) of products) stocks.lang (19 - Stocks) Movements : products.lang (54 - Movements) stocks.lang (28 - Movements) Suppliers : products.lang (93 - Vendors) suppliers.lang (2 - Vendors) ListOfStockMovements : products.lang (100 - List of stock movements) stocks.lang (31 - List of stock movements) Unit : products.lang (185 - Unit) stocks.lang (47 - Unit) ContractSigned : propal.lang (97 - Contract signed) recruitment.lang (64 - Contract signed) BankTransferAmount : salaries.lang (30 - Amount of credit transfer) withdrawals.lang (123 - Amount of Credit Transfer request:) WithdrawalReceipt : salaries.lang (31 - Credit transfer order) withdrawals.lang (12 - Direct debit order) OrderWaiting : salaries.lang (32 - Pending order) withdrawals.lang (95 - Waiting for treatment) NewUser : ticket.lang (331 - New user) users.lang (30 - New user)